Kayaking in Asheville

Woman KayakingSo you spent the weekend kayaking on the French Broad River.  What started out as a quiet afternoon at the Asheville Outdoor Center with the family unfortunately lead to an injury for you.  While considerably less risky than other sports, it is still possible to get hurt on a kayak, even on a quiet, slow-paced river adventure.

Common complaints are to the upper limbs (shoulder, wrist, hand, elbow, or forearm) or to the back.  Specifically, sprains, tendinitis, chronic muscular pain, bruising, infections, dislocations, and lacerations are reported.  When you paddle over a long enough period of time, you can experience an overuse injury, regardless of how physically fit you are.  Likewise, if you are an amateur in the water, you may not have used the best paddling technique.

Fortunately, for most injuries incurred while kayaking, River Ridge Chiropractic can help.  I may be able to help you with simple stretches.  Chiropractic treatment which involves moving your joints could be effective.  Acupuncture is another alternative treatment to treat pain.  For more serious injuries, spinal decompression can also promote healing.  Regardless, I will work with you to address your individual needs and to create the best care pathway for you.

Hindsight is 20/20.  Next time try stretching exercises as well an interval of backwards paddling to offset the strain to your body.  Or make the kids paddle.

Dr Bart

Dr. Bart Hodgins grew up in rural Alberta, Canada. He graduated from Western States Chiropractic College in Portland, Oregon in 1997. He enjoys an active lifestyle with his wife and two sons. His enthusiasm for life is contagious. Since beginning his practice in 1998, Bart has developed a comprehensive approach to health care that supports the patient on multiple levels. In treating a person holistically and combining chiropractic, spinal decompression, acupuncture, herbal therapy, orthotics, exercise, diet, and orthopedic supports, Dr. Hodgins often can find faster and more lasting approaches to both common and more concerning health issues.

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