Acupuncture & Chiropractic

Asheville Chiropractor talks: Acupuncture & Chiropractic – A Perfect Combination

In this series I will l discuss acupuncture and how it relates to back pain, migraines and even weight loss.


When I started as a chiropractor in Asheville, new patients would come in with neck, back, and shoulder complaints. Months or years later, they would come back with a different issue, such as numbness, tingling or burning in the foot. I noticed I was seeing complaints that were not 100% addressed by chiropractic, and I felt that acupuncture was a modality that could address issues not solved by chiropractic alone.

“Acupuncture…could address issues not solved by chiropractic alone”

As an example, for issues such as carpal tunnel, there is both a mechanical problem from repetitive use, as well as a neurological problem; the median nerve is compressed and causes symptoms of pain and numbness in the hand. In cases like this, I was able to resolve the structural issue with chiropractic, but it left the neurological issue to be addressed. I had been referring patients out to acupuncturists in the Asheville, NC area, but I felt it was a hassle to launch a second treatment plan on top of seeing a chiropractor. I decided to educate myself and earn my diploma in Acupuncture. In 2-3 sessions, we know whether or not chiropractic is working so that we can continue with that treatment modality or try acupuncture.

Diplomate in Acupuncture

As a diplomate in acupuncture, I learned not only about the needle work of acupuncture, but how to diagnose using Chinese medicine. This type of medicine has many herbal therapies that help people with wellness.

Acupuncture from a Western Point of View

I was drawn to the Medical style of acupuncture because it works in conjunction with what I am already doing as a chiropractor. Many of my patients appreciate that I can explain acupuncture to them from a Western point of view based on science. They have not had the opportunity to learn about acupuncture since there are not a lot of chiropractors who also do Chinese medicine going on in the Asheville area. Many patients also find a more complete solution by blending chiropractic, acupuncture and Chinese medicine than by utilizing any one modality alone.

Next time we’ll talk about back pain, chiropractic and acupuncture. Until then – Dr. Bart

Dr Bart

Dr. Bart Hodgins grew up in rural Alberta, Canada. He graduated from Western States Chiropractic College in Portland, Oregon in 1997. He enjoys an active lifestyle with his wife and two sons. His enthusiasm for life is contagious. Since beginning his practice in 1998, Bart has developed a comprehensive approach to health care that supports the patient on multiple levels. In treating a person holistically and combining chiropractic, spinal decompression, acupuncture, herbal therapy, orthotics, exercise, diet, and orthopedic supports, Dr. Hodgins often can find faster and more lasting approaches to both common and more concerning health issues.

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